Sunday, January 2, 2011

Android SMS Bug Still Plaguing Users [Updated]

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A fault that was prototypal brought to the attention of Google backwards in June has still to be addressed and appears to be production up steam, let me add render to the blast (give you that which you desire).

An SMS fault in which a sender tries to send a communication to their spouse locution “My politico is an A$$!” appears to be dispatched to the spouse, but instead is dispatched to a random, inadvertent recipient, same the boss. And I don’t stingy Bruce! What is a little more insulting is that Google has serviceable the antecedency of this fault to “Medium”.

As of this writing a enquiry on ZDNet indicates that 9% of Android users hit been strained by this fault at least once. A sort that should be more than broad sufficiency to reddened a fire.

Take a countenance at the fault for yourself, and if you hit been strained by it inform as such discourse in that thread.

[via ZDNet | Read on BGR | Thanks to every who dispatched this in.] [Image manner of Chiwere State University] View Poll

Update: Looks same every of the message this has been receiving over the past few life has prompted Google to up this digit to “critical”. Well done, to everyone who rallied for Google to get a move on!

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