Sunday, November 20, 2011

Google Updates Galaxy Nexus Page – Verizon Version Only Available In 16GB?

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Android red alert! We’ve just been notified that whatever changes hit been made to the tech specs on the authorised Galaxy Nexus page. Originally, Google was listing the Verizon edition of the Nexus (LTE/CDMA) as having “16GB/32GB” interior hardware expanse but in a rather unsettling invoke of events, the 32GB edition has been distant with exclusive the 16GB surviving.

Not sure just what’s up but what do you guys think? Would you be status at having exclusive the lesser choice of hardware expanse for the Galaxy Nexus? Or module Google Music support assuage whatever of that pain? Galaxy Nexus Watch 2011 continues and if we intend any boost information, you’ll be the prototypal to know. Chris composer — signing off.

[Android Forums | Galaxy Nexus]

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